Welcome to The Boring Website, a record of the development of a 'Binary Puzzle Solver'. Below you'll find links to every single iterative version of the solver, from the initial title all the way to the final product. Enjoy!
The repository for this site is at: https://github.com/AstonBailey-Fong/2021-T2-Binary-Project
Rules for how to solve Binary Puzzles can be found here
Links to versions and descriptions are below:
v1.01 - A blank shell ready for some unique, innovative code
v1.02 - grunt code to load the 6x6 table - page is 150 lines
v1.03 - changed red tripple lines with single line - 2 lines of css
v1.04 - 36 lines of grunt code replaced by 6 loops
v1.05 - Gameboard re-labelled for nested loops
v1.06 - 2 nested loops finally replace the 36 lines of grunt code
v1.07 - Push temporary row arrays to a 2D array called "Grid". Added text boxes to view Grid in 1D and 2D form, as well as calling 1 test element.
v1.08 - Add a dropdown to select a game and buttons to test the structure chart modules.
v1.09 - Global Row, Column & Grid + Display Function
v1.10 - Solve Row Pairs Implementation
v1.11 - Solve Col Pairs and Pairs Implementation
v1.12 - Trios implementation and formatting experiments
v1.13 - Completion and Solve Once + Trios coding errors fixed + Pairs function simplification
v1.14 - Solve Repeat
v1.15 - Beta Response + formatting corrections
v1.16 - Tabled buttons
v1.17 - Final version: Bootstrap Stylesheet
The question we are solving is below in images:
Created by Aston, Kian and Thanasin
Contact Details:
Email: aston.bailey-fong@education.nsw.gov.au
Address: Taylor St, Glebe NSW 2037
End of Question